Purpose: The effect that COVID-19 has had on little and enormous organizations, is something never found in excess of five ages. Research about the uncontrolled joblessness that unfortunately characterizes this COVID-19 emergency. Design/methodology/approach: The study is primarily based upon the secondary data. For this extant literature related to the topic from different databases, websites and other available sources were collected. A systematic review of collected literature was done in detail. Practical implication: That joblessness affects the mental, monetary, and social prosperity of people and networks. Joblessness that has archived its effect on emotional well-being commitment diagrams an exploration plan that will educate practice at individual and fundamental levels to help and continue individuals as they wrestle with the overwhelming test of looking for work and recouping from the mental and professional aftermath of this pandemic. While the food administrations industry over the globe is normal endure a shot, the circumstance in India is particularly terrible given the enormous level of individuals utilized in the casual economy who have no security net or substitute salary.
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Vinod. N. Sambrani, Chinta Sunny Augustine Rao. Covid 19 is a Curse to Hospitality Industry. Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences. 2020; 8(4):235-241. doi: 10.5958/2454-2679.2020.00014.6
Vinod. N. Sambrani, Chinta Sunny Augustine Rao. Covid 19 is a Curse to Hospitality Industry. Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences. 2020; 8(4):235-241. doi: 10.5958/2454-2679.2020.00014.6 Available on: https://ijassonline.in/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-8-4-19
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