Author(s): G.S. Druwe, R.P. Saharia, D.V. Singh

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

DOI: Not Available

Address: Dr. G.S. Druwe1, Dr. R.P. Saharia2, Dr. D.V. Singh3
1Assistant Professor, Political Science, Govt. J.M.P. College, Takhatpur, Bilaspur (C.G.)
2Head, Dept. of Economics, Govt. J.M.P. College, Takhatpur, Bilaspur (C.G.)
3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Govt. Dr. Bhagwatsahai College, Gwalior (M.P.)
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2014

The MGNREGA is the largest employment programmme in human history. The Act was launched on 2nd February 2006 from Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh and initially covered 200 of the “poorest” districts of the country. The Act was implemented in phased manner; 130 districts were added from 2007 to 2008. With its spread to over 635 districts across the country now. The mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) was enacted by legislation on 25th August 2005. This scheme provides a legal guarantee for at least one hundred days of employment in every financial year to adult members of any household who want ot work at minimum wage of INR 120 (160now) (US$2.20) per day in 2009 prices. The vital aim of the act is to improve the purchasing power of the rural people, it is no matter whether they are APL or BPL. In the Act Central Government meets the cost towards the payment of wages, 3/4th of material cost and some percentage of administrative cost. State Governments meets the cost of unemployment allowance. There are two crucial intentions of the scheme: 1. Rural development 2. Employment generation The MGNREGA stipulates that works must be targeted towards a set of specific rural development activities such as: water conservation and harvesting of forests, rural connectivity, flood control and protection such as construction and repair of embankments, digging of new tanks/ponds, construction of small check dams and tree plantation.

Cite this article:
G.S. Druwe, R.P. Saharia, D.V. Singh. MGNREGA: Challenges and Future. Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences 2(2): April-June, 2014; Page 77-80.

G.S. Druwe, R.P. Saharia, D.V. Singh. MGNREGA: Challenges and Future. Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences 2(2): April-June, 2014; Page 77-80.   Available on:

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