Author(s): Abhay Sinha


DOI: Not Available

Address: Dr. Abhay Sinha
Asst. Professor (Department of Law), Govt. T. C. L. P. G. College. Janjgir (C.G,) -495668
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2015

1. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was one of the greatest social reformers born in India on 14th April 1891 and died on 6th Dec. 1956. He can be categorized in the line of Budhha and Mahabir, Krishna and Rama, Kabir and Ramdas, Guru Nanak and Vivekanand. He is the child of his age who devoted and dedicated his life for the welfare and upliftment of Dalits and downtrodden, disadvantaged and deprived sections of the society. For his greatest contribution to nation, he was awarded Bharat Ratna in 1990 posthumously. 2. His greatest contribution to the nation is that he was the architect of Indian Constitution. As a Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the constitution, he made immense contribution for the welfare of the SC, ST and OBCs. Besides that he also worked for gender equality and dignity of the common people. 3. Born in Marathi Mahar family studied Kabir and other Hindu scriptures in his very childhood. Dr. Ambedkar closely observed the evils of the Indian society particularly Varna System and caste system. He deeply studied and researched the Indian Caste system. He was deadly against the discrimination and hierarchy of the Hindu society. He also directly opposed untouchability. He experienced discriminatory attitude of the people working in Baroda, teaching in Bombay, practicing law in Court. To overcome the difficulty, he formed Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha for the welfare of "outcastes" i.e. the depressed classes.

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Abhay Sinha. Ambedkar as The Architect of Indian Constitution and Social Reformer: A Passage from Toilet to Secretariat. Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences 3(1): Jan. –Mar., 2015; Page 16-18

Abhay Sinha. Ambedkar as The Architect of Indian Constitution and Social Reformer: A Passage from Toilet to Secretariat. Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences 3(1): Jan. –Mar., 2015; Page 16-18   Available on:

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