2454-2679 (Online) 2347-5153 (Print)
Author(s): M.U. Siddiqui, Vishwanath Vishwakarma
DOI: 10.52711/2454-2679.2023.00032
Views: 16 (pdf), 1341 (html)
Access: Open Access
Cite: M.U. Siddiqui, Vishwanath Vishwakarma. Impact of Compensation Practice on Employee Informatics a study of Vindhyanchal NTPC Singrauli (M.P.). International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences. 2023; 11(4):203-0. doi: 10.52711/2454-2679.2023.00032
International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences (IJASS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, correspondence in the fields....... Read more >>>
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