2454-2679 (Online) 2347-5153 (Print)
Author(s): Kunal Kanti De, Dan Amitabh, Roy Bibhash3, Pasi A R, Jalaluddeen M
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Access: Open Access
Cite: Kunal Kanti De, Dan Amitabh, Roy Bibhash3, Pasi A R, Jalaluddeen M. Training, Opportunities and Challenges of Accredited Social Health Activists for providing Maternal and Child Health care in Murshidabad district of West Bengal. Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences 4(2): April- June, 2016; Page 84-88. doi:
International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences (IJASS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, correspondence in the fields....... Read more >>>
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