The Role of Strategic Management in Achieving Institutional Excellence in Syrian Universities: The Mediating Role of Innovation


Ola Ahmad Hmedoush1, Ahmad Hasan Kartali2, Youssef Fawaz Shahin3

1Master Student in Curricula and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

2Doctor in Educational Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

3Doctor in Modern Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

*Corresponding Author E-mail:



The current study aims at identifying the role of the strategic management regarding achieving institutional excellence in Syrian universities in the presence of innovation as a variable agent as well as articulating the descriptive analytical approach. The sample consisted of (110) faculty members from Tishreen University for the academic year 2023-2024 AC. A survey was used as a tool for the current research which consisted of (47) terms based on three major points. The outcomes revealed that: the grade of each of the strategic management, institutional excellence, as well as innovation at the university, heading out of the faculty members' view point, was moderate. Moreover, it showed that innovation has a great role as a mediating variable agent between strategic management and institutional superiority at the university, from their own personal perspective.


KEYWORDS: Strategic Management, Institutional Excellence, Innovation.




The university education sector is considered as one of the sectors that has received great attention in almost all the countries around the world, due to its huge impact, influences and reflections on the development and advancement of a society, and its ability to improve that society and elevate it to a high level, thus enabling it to face various kinds of challenges. However; the great role of the Syrian universities cannot be achieved except with the availability of a set of components, the most important of which is strategic management, so that Universities can figure out their goals and vision.


In addition to that, paying attention to strategic management in universities makes planning for these institutions easier by directing efforts and resources towards achieving the future goals of the university. It also helps define the vision and mission and develop the necessary strategies to achieve such goals. These goals also generate from the university’s own objective and scope and include enhancing education quality, developing scientific research, improving the infrastructure and technology, and enhancing cooperation and partnerships with stakeholders as well.19 Furthermore; excellence is taken into consideration as one of the most updated and contemporary administrative methods used to develop organizations and institutions as well as developing the substructure base,30 through changing the mentality of the members at organizations towards working in more creative and innovative ways, consequently, enhancing innovation and stimulating creative minds. Hence, this research studies the correlation between two variables, namely strategic management and institutional excellence within the Syrian universities.



Syrian universities face major challenges related to the need to adapt to the changing labor market, developing their academic and research programs, improving the quality of education and student services, as well as dealing with financial challenges and limited resources. Furthermore, innovation and digital transformation have paused new challenges facing the Syrian universities to keep up with the technological development and innovation in the field of education. Therefore, it has become quite a necessity to study the impact of strategic managements in achieving institutional excellence in Syrian universities, especially since it plays the role of the agent regarding innovation. Syrian universities should adopt effective strategies in order to promote innovation and digital transformation in various work fields, be it in developing modern study programs, adopting modern technologies to enhance the learning experience for students, or promoting scientific research and innovation in various specialties.


Since institutional excellence is indeed one of the most prominent contemporary trends in university education which universities seek to achieve due to the gains and benefits that in turn reflect to the university environment as a whole, most prominently in achieving competition, attracting international students, activating distinguished community partnerships, and attracting private sector contributions.12 Besides; institutional excellence refers to a state of excellence that achieves exceptionally elevated levels of performance and execution, which leads to achieving results that exceed those achieved by competing institutions and achieving the satisfaction of beneficiaries from stakeholders, both inside or outside the institution.15 study recommended the necessity of spreading the culture of strategic management among employees in Saudi universities, in addition, the study by Al-Otaibi14 recommended the need for each university to adopt a specific model of strategic management similar to the ones executed in international universities, based on the outcomes of previous studies and taking into consideration these challenges and opportunities, the role of the strategic management in achieving institutional excellence in Syrian universities should be taken into account, especially due to its being a variable agent of innovation, as a vital issue to ensuring the sustainability of development and improvement in the educational system in Syria and enhancing its position in the international educational arena.


The main challenge of this research is identified by answering the following inquiries:

1.    To what extents does a university implement the strategic management heading out of the view point of the faculty members?

2.    what is the level of the institutional excellence within a faculty heading out of the view point of the faculty members?

3.    What are the levels of innovative innovation application at the university from the view point of the members of a faculty?

4.    What is the role of innovation as a mediating variable between the strategic management and the institutional excellence at a university heading out of the perspective of members of faculty?



The Strategic management: “It is the procedure by which the long-term directions of the organization, as well as performance, are determined through strategy formulation and implementation, as well as continuous evaluation of the strategy, in order to achieve the organization’s strategic targets”.24 However, the researcher defines it practically as the path chosen by the Syrian universities (Tishreen University taken as an example) to achieve their future goals, achieve compatibility with the changing environment internally and externally, and to implement, to follow up and to evaluate the strategy.


Institutional excellence: “It is a planned effort that depends on a set of standards that can be achieved through continuous improvement, effective response that supports excellence, and achieving a permanent competitive advantage for the institution”1 Practically the institutional excellence is defined as a state of administrative innovation and organizational excellence in the Syrian universities that achieves high levels of performance that in turn contribute to accomplishing achievements, and includes three dimensions (administrative leadership, human resources, and services).


Innovation: is the process of introducing new ideas, new methods of doing business, or improving products or services.31 It is practically defined as: an integrated process that includes specific steps and requires integration and cooperation between various departments and teams within the Syrian universities to ensure success as well as sustainability.



Al-Anazi study:3 The study’s main purpose was to identify the reality of applying talent management in Saudi universities in light of strategic management. To achieve these goals, the descriptive approach and questionnaire were relied upon to collect data, and a sample was selected consisting of (310) academic leaders. The outcomes of the study concluded that the level of application of talent management in Saudi universities in light of strategic management was moderate.


Study by Hamza:28 It aimed at studying the strategic management role in human resources development and employee performance, in addition to clarifying the role of human resources development in improving the high performance of employees. This study used the descriptive approach and benefited from the historical approach in addition to the case study method. There have been several important results, most notably: positive relationship existence between strategic management and human resources development. Also, the existence of a positive relationship between the strategic management and employee performance.


Khalifa Study:34 The study mainly intended to determine the reality, obstacles, and requirements for implementing institutional excellence at Damanhour University based on the view point of the way society is organized. The researcher used the social survey method with a sample. The study sample consisted of (170) faculty members and the supporting staff at Damanhour University, and the outcomes of the study stated that the reality of applying institutional excellence at Damanhour University from the perspective of how society is organized has been represented in achieving the goals of the university regarding digital transformation in all its educational units.


Jumah Study:32 This specific objective of this study is mainly to clarify the reality of Saudi public universities adopting the approach to managing massive data systems, and the impact of this on their achievement of institutional excellence. The descriptive analytical scheme was used and a questionnaire was prepared to measure the management of large data systems and the Excellence Model Criteria Tool Quality Award granted by the King Abdulaziz, and they were applied to a simple random sample of (480) employees in (5) Saudi universities. The outcomes revealed that the level of adoption of the approach to managing big data systems by the researched universities and the level of institutional excellence of the researched universities were moderate from the view point of their member of staff.


Al-Zamil Study:18 This study aimed to determine the requirements for innovation management in Saudi universities. It included three dimensions. A descriptive survey approach was used, where a questionnaire was used to diagnose the reality and requirements of innovation management in Saudi universities, in light of the global Innovation Index, it was applied to a sample of leaders consisting of (240) leaders (deans, deputies, department heads, department directors, and managers in the field of innovation management) The study had a numerous results, the most notable of which is that the requirements for innovation management in Saudi universities in light of the Global Innovation Index from the perspective of the leaders came at a high level, and the order of the dimensions was as follows: (cultural requirements, physical requirements, organizational requirements).


Study by Al-Ruwaili and Abdul-Jabbar:16 This study aimed at knowing the reality of managing Saudi universities to achieve innovation and entrepreneurship in light of the Vision of the Kingdom 2030 from the view point of faculty members. The study adopted the descriptive survey method, and the studied sample mainly consisted of (752) faculty members from Northern Border University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve the targets of the study; A questionnaire was prepared divided into three areas. The outcomes of the study showed that the faculty members’ assessments of the reality of managing Saudi universities to achieve innovation and entrepreneurship in light of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 from the viewpoint of the faculty members in all the areas of the study tool were average.



Strategic management:

The concept of strategic management: It is a process that aims to define the goals of the organization in a comprehensive manner, manage resources, and organize activities in a way that achieves these goals in the long term.8 The strategic management process includes several stages that begin with defining the organization’s general goal and the guiding principles that guide its behavior and decisions, then it studies the internal and external factors that affect on the performance of the organization and identifies opportunities and threats, leading to identifying the main goals that the organization seeks to achieve.4 Also, determining ways and strategic plans to achieve these goals, implementing the strategic plans and programs that were developed aiming at achieving the specified goals, and end with following up on the implementation of the strategy and evaluating and reviewing the outcomes in order to make the necessary adjustments.7


Characteristics of strategic management: Strategic management is characterized by several basic characteristics that distinguish it from traditional management, its focus on setting a long-term vision that defines its goals that it seeks to achieve in the future.3 Strategic management also aims to improve the organization’s performance and increase the effectiveness of its performance. It focuses on understanding the external environment affected by the organization and determining how to deal with the challenges and opportunities it presents.17 Strategic management also encourages communication and interaction between leaders and employees in the organization in order to achieve successful implementation of strategies, through its reliance on periodic processes to evaluate and monitor the outcomes of implementing strategies and ensure the achievement of specified goals.12


The importance of strategic management: Strategic management is of great importance in the success of institutions and achieving their goals. It helps in defining the vision of the institution and achieving the set goals in an effective and organized manner. It helps in improving the general performance of the institution and increasing its efficiency and performance. Strategic management enables the institution to adapt to changes within the external environment and changing challenges.


Institutional excellence:

The concept of institutional excellence: The concept of excellence, according to Kandula, is achieving a sustainable competitive advantage, as it distinguishes itself over competitors in one or more areas of strategic performance by achieving a higher return at the lowest cost and improving quality.33


Characteristics of institutional excellence; Organizations that achieve excellence have a characteristic, the most important of which is9 accepting large and complex tasks, as it is considered one of the most important sources of institutional excellence and distinction, and that the leadership is distinguished and fit to be a role model for everyone in the organization, and confront difficulties, have an organized training and paying attention to employee capabilities.25


The importance of institutional excellence: Its importance is highlighted by its ability to create broad spectrum and generate a kind of a struggle in order to achieve success.29 The administrative organizations that achieve excellence are organizations that care about development trends, as they try to know the extent of their development in order to define what is needed to be improved with enthusiasm and encouragement for new ideas, and to engage in to determine what they want to develop and eliminate all technical difficulties that prevent the implementation of development.



The concept of innovation: refers to the ability to find and develop new and innovative ideas to solve problems or achieve goals in a new and effective way. In other words, innovation averages introducing something new that brings about a positive change in daily life.35


The necessity of innovation: the paramount role of innovation in universities lies in improving education, scientific research, and the services that the university provides to society. Through innovation, universities can develop innovative study programs, adopt new and effective teaching methods, improve the scientific research environment, and provide new services to students and university staff.21



The research came as a response to the descriptive analytical method, which is based on describing and analyzing a contemporary phenomenon. This method was chosen because it is more suitable for the objectives of the research and finding answers to its inquiries.


Research community:

The research community is made up of all faculty members at Tishreen University.


Research sample:

The sample consisted of (110) faculty members at Tishreen University for the academic year 2023-2024 AC, who were selected randomly. The following table shows the distribution of the sample;


Table 1: Sample distribution according to research variables



Variable Categories





Scientific rank



Assistant Professor






10 years and more

Years of Experience



10 years and more



the total



Research tools:

For the purpose of achieving the research objectives, a questionnaire was used as a tool in the current research as well as collecting information and data. The questionnaire was prepared through taking advantage of the previous studies that took into consideration the subject of strategic management, institutional excellence and innovation. The questionnaire consisted of (47) items in three main axes, each of which had a number of dimensions:


The first axis: Strategic management: The axis items were prepared with reference to the studies of23,14,28 and consist of (15) items in three dimensions: (strategy formulation in 5 items, strategy implementation in 5 items, and strategic control in 5 items).


The second axis: Institutional excellence: The axis items were prepared with reference to the studies of7,27,13,37,10 and consists of (18) items in three dimensions: (administrative leadership in 6 items, human resources in 7 items, and services in 5 items).


The third axis: Innovation: The axis items were prepared in reference to the studies of20,26,22,2 and consist of (14) items in two dimensions: (innovation in Services in 6 items, administrative innovation in 8 items).


The validity of the questionnaire:

The validity of the content: this specific questionnaire was presented in its initial form to a group of arbitrators in the field of specialization in educational administration through which they were asked to express their opinion and suggest their observations in terms of linguistic wording, the validity of the items to the content of the research topic and the extent to which they are related to the axes of the questionnaire. The arbitrators expressed their opinions and the wording of a number of items was modified.


Construct validity: The construct validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by studying its internal consistency, by calculating the coefficient correlation between the levels of each of the items and the level of the dimension to which it belongs in the questionnaire’s axes, as well as calculating the correlation coefficients of the dimensions of each axis with the total level of the axis, and they were. and they were, it is quite evident that the coefficient correlation of the item levels compared with the level of the dimension to which they belong in each axis were all statistically indicative at the level of significance (0.01). The value of these coefficients for the first axis ranged between (0.586-0.896), and for the second axis between (0.495-0.902) as for the third axis, it is between (0.563-0.873).


In addition, it was that the correlation coefficients of the dimension levels alongside with the level of the axis to which they belong were all statistically indicative at the level of significance (0.01). The value of these coefficients for the first axis ranged between (0.748-0.864), for the second axis between (0.799-0.890), and for the third axis between (0.809-0.865), and hence the questionnaire is characterized by providing good indicators of its structural validity.


Verifying the reliability of the questionnaire: The researcher calculated the internal consistency stability of each axis and dimension by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, it turns out that the values ​​of reliability reached (0.897) for the second axis, (0.880), and for the third axis (0879), which is a high value. Therefore, the questionnaire is characterized by a high level of reliability.


Questionnaire correction: The responses to the questionnaire were determined according to a five-point Likert scale to the level of (very large, large, moderate, little, very little), and correspond to the following levels5,4,3,2,1 respectively, and the arithmetic average is limited to.1-5


Statistical methods used in the research:

The researcher used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 24) program;

·      Frequencies and percentages to determine the sample distribution according to the research variables.

·      Pearson correlation coefficient to verify the structural credibility of the questionnaire.

·      Cronbach Alpha coefficient to calculate the internal consistency of the questionnaire.

·      Arithmetic averages and standard deviations.


The following judgment criterion was adopted in order to judge the sample answers:

Table 2: Length of Likert scale cells and corresponding level of agreement

Level of approval

Very few




Very large







+A program called AMOS was used in order to conduct path analysis to study the role of innovation as an intermediary variable between strategic management and institutional excellence.



The first question: What is the level to which the university practices strategic management from the view point of faculty members?

To find an answer to this question, the arithmetic averages, standard deviations, level of agreement, relative importance, and ranking of the sample members’ answers to the first axis of the questionnaire were extracted, and the outcomes were as follows:


Table 3: Arithmetic averages, standard deviations, and level of agreement on the first axis of the questionnaire


The dimension

Arithmetic average

standard deviation

Level of approval



The first dimension: strategy formulation






The second dimension: implementing the strategy






The third dimension: strategic control






The first axis: strategic management






The previous table clearly illustrates that the level of approval for the first axis as a whole was moderate, with an arithmetic average of (3.03), which averages that the level of the university’s practice of strategic management from the view point of faculty members was a moderate level, and Dimension 1 (strategy formulation) came in first place, with a moderate level of approval and an arithmetic average. (3.31), while Dimension 2 (strategy implementation) came in last place with a medium level of agreement and an arithmetic average of (3.07). The researcher explains the evaluation of the level of university practice of strategic management from the view point of faculty members being at a moderate level due to several reasons, including the lack of financial, human and technological resources highly necessary to implement strategic management effectively, which in turn leads to average results. In addition to that, administrative complexities can effectively, hinder the implementation of strategies which makes management look less efficient. The lack of training programs and workshops that help faculty and administrative staff members understand and apply strategic concepts correctly, and weakness in communication between senior management and faculty members, which leads to a lack of sharing information, strategies and plans. The outcome of this study is consistent with the outcomes of the study made by (3), which showed that the level of application of talent management in Saudi universities in light of strategic management was moderate.


The second question: What is the level of achieving institutional excellence at the university from the view point of faculty members?

In order to find a proper answer to this question, the arithmetic averages, standard deviations, agreement level, relative importance, and arranging orders of the answers of the studied samples to the second axis of the questionnaire were calculated, and the outcomes revealed the following:


Table 4: Arithmetic averages, standard deviations, and level of agreement on the second axis of the questionnaire


The dimension

Arithmetic average

standard deviation

Level of approval



The first dimension: administrative leadership






The second dimension: human resources






The third dimension: services






The second axis: institutional excellence






The above mentioned table reveals the level of approval for the second axis as a whole was moderate, with an arithmetic average of (3.14), meaning that the level of achieving institutional excellence at the university from the view point of faculty members was at a medium level, and Dimension 1 (Administrative Leadership) came in the first place, with a medium level of approval and an average Arithmetic average of (3.25), while Dimension 2 (services) came in the last place with a medium level of agreement and an arithmetic average of (2.96). The researcher attributes the achievement of institutional excellence at Tishreen University to a moderate level from the view point of faculty members due to several factors, including complex and slow administrative procedures, which hinder the process of decision-making and implementation of new initiatives. Moreover, there is a lack of material and technological resources that support academic and research activities, as well as the lack of sufficient opportunities to develop the skills of faculty members and motivate them to be innovative, also a lack of funding which is quite necessary to support research projects and modernize infrastructure. Not to mention of course the salaries and financial incentives which are also insufficient to motivate faculty members to exert more effort to achieve excellence. More than that, the lack of cooperation and interaction between different academic departments may also hinder the exchange of knowledge and new ideas. Undoubtedly, the quality of education and scientific research needs to be improved in order to meet international standards. The curriculum also needs to be updated and developed to keep pace with modern developments in the fields of specialization. Last but not least, the general economic and political conditions in the country also highly affect the university's ability to achieve excellence.


The outcome of this study is consistent with the outcome of the study made by,32 which showed that the level of institutional excellence of the studied universities was moderate.


Question Three: What is the level of innovation practice at the university from the view point of faculty members?

To answer this question, the arithmetic averages, standard deviations, level of agreement, relative importance, and ranking of the sample members’ answers to the third axis of the questionnaire were calculated, and the outcomes were as follows:


Table 5: Arithmetic averages, standard deviations, and level of agreement on the third axis of the questionnaire


The dimension

Arithmetic average

standard deviation

Level of approval



The first dimension: innovation in services






The second dimension: administrative innovation






The third axis: innovation






The previous table clarifies that the level of approval regarding the third axis as a whole was large, with an arithmetic average of (3.28), meaning that the level of practicing innovation at the university from the view point of faculty members was at a medium level, and Dimension 1 (innovation in services) came in the first place, with a medium level of agreement and an average Arithmetic (3.32), while Dimension 2 (administrative innovation) came in last place at a medium level of agreement and an arithmetic average of (3.24). The researcher explains that the level of innovation practice at Tishreen University, from the view point of faculty members, is moderate as a result of several factors, including complicated and routine bureaucratic procedures that hinder innovation and change. More than that, administrative leadership is not sufficiently directed to support innovation, and innovation also requires financial investments in research and development and in providing modern tools and technologies. Besides, lack of funding can be a major obstacle to achieving innovation. In addition, the lack of sufficient financial incentives for faculty members can reduce the motivation to innovate and take risks with new ideas. Fear of failure causes members not to try new ideas. Lack of training opportunities and lack of motivational initiatives, The outcome of this study is consistent with the outcome of the study made by (16), which demonstrated that the faculty members’ evaluation of the reality of managing Saudi universities to achieve innovation from the view point of the faculty members were average.


Question Four: What is the principal role of innovation as a mediating variable between strategic management and institutional excellence at the university from the view point of faculty members?

The AMOS statistical program was used, based on the maximum odds method, in order to study the relationship between the independent variable (strategic management), the mediating variable (innovation), and the dependent variable (institutional excellence), and the conformity of the proposed model in expressing the data was also evaluated. The following figure shows the outcomes of the statistical analysis of the proposed structural model among the variables:


Figure 1: Statistical analysis of the proposed structural model between the independent variable (strategic management), the mediating variable (innovation), and the dependent variable (institutional excellence)


The following table shows the indicators of efficiency compliance with the statistical analysis of the structural model among the research variables:


Table 6: indicators of statistical analysis compliance of the structural model among the research variables




















Heading out of the previous table, the study model matched all the indicators of quality index value, as the value of (CMIN/DF) was (1.711), and this ratio was less than (2). This indicates a good fit for the model. The value of the Quality of index value (GFI) was (0.939), the value of the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) was (0.967), and the value of the Tucker Lewis Index (TLI) was (coefficient (TLI) - The Tucker (0.945), and the value of the root average square residual (RMR) index was (0.014). The smaller the value of this index, the better, and values ​​of (RMR) equal to zero indicate an ideal fit. The value of the RMSEA index was (0.071), and the more the value of the RMSEA index was less than 0.05, the better. If it ranged between (0.05) and (0.08), the suitability was considered acceptable.


Based on that, the outcomes showed that some of the model indicators achieved a very good level, and demonstrated the conformity of the proposed model in expressing the data.


Table 7: Results of the statistical analysis of the proposed structural model between the independent variable (strategic management), the mediating variable (innovation), and the dependent variable (institutional excellence)

Impact type


Standardized path coefficients Estimation






strategic management ˃˃ institutional excellence






strategic management ˃˃ innovation






institutional excellence ˃˃  innovation






strategic management ˃˃ institutional excellence ˃˃ innovation






It is quite evident from the previous table that the strategic management variable, in its dimensions, has a constructive and statistically substantial effect on institutional excellence and its dimensions, with innovation as a mediating variable. The value of the effect reached (0.654), which is statistically significant. Therefore, innovation has a role as a mediating variable between strategic management and institutional excellence at the university from the view point of faculty members.


It was also found that there was a positive and statistically significant direct effect of strategic management on institutional excellence, with a value of (0.198). It was also found that there was a positive and statistically significant direct effect of strategic management on innovation, with a value of (0.691). There is also a positive and statistically significant direct effect of institutional excellence in innovation, with a value of (0.556).



Strategic management has an important role at Tishreen University; however, this management needs further activation and development. The administrative authority at Tishreen University has taken positive steps towards achieving institutional excellence, which was assessed at an average rate. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed to achieve a higher level of excellence and satisfaction among faculty members. The level of innovation practice at Tishreen University was moderate, reflecting the presence of an environment that needs to strengthen some aspects to better stimulate innovation. To round off, there is a major role for innovation as a mediating variable between strategic management and institutional excellence at the university.



·      Increasing training and professional development opportunities and establishing training programs and workshops that help faculty and administrative staff members understand and apply strategic concepts, institutional excellence, and innovation.

·      Providing communication channels between senior management and faculty members.

·      Working to get rid of administrative and bureaucratic complications at the university.

·      Encouraging innovation and creativity in academic and administrative methods and practices.

·      Conducting a study on the requirements for applying (strategic management, institutional excellence, innovation) and developing them in universities.



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Received on 14.07.2024      Revised on 10.08.2024

Accepted on 08.09.2024      Published on 18.12.2024

Available online on December 27, 2024

Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences. 2024; 12(4):203-212.

DOI: 10.52711/2454-2679.2024.00032

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