An Analysis of Roadblocks Associated with the Implementation of Large Scale Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Chhattisgarh : With Special Context to use of Type of Energy
Rashmi Priya Toppo1*, Dr. Vinod Joshi2
1Research Scholar, Govt. Dr Raadhabai Navin Kanya Mahavidhyalay, Raipur
2Professor and Head, Economics, Commerce and Management, Govt. Dr Raadhabai Navin Kanya Mahavidhyalay Raipur
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
In this research work the roadblocks associated with implementation of large scale sustainable agricultural practices will be analysed considering use of non-renewable energy resources. The analysis will help in determining the projection of required renewable form of energy for agricultural practices in Chhattisgarh state. Determinationof trend of electricity consumption it is evident the dependency on thermal power electricity is growing, hence this is a major roadblock in introducing sustainable agriculture practices in Chhattisgarh state on a large scale, further, dependency on pumps energized by thermal power is growing in state of Chhattisgarh, which is a major roadblock in introducing sustainable agriculture practices in Chhattisgarh state on a large scale, also, slow pace of implementation of large scale solar pumps presents a roadblock in implementation of large scale sustainable agricultural practices in Chhattisgarh.
KEYWORDS: Sustainable agriculture, electricity and energy resources
It has been projected that the world population will be around 9 billion people by 2050. FAO, that is food and agriculture organization has stated in its various reports over the year that if the world population is to be fed 60 percent more food that what we are producing at present time will be required (Shalaby, Zahrani, Baig, and Aldosari, 2011).
In present world which is developing at a very speed and industrialization has grown with a tremendous pace, the land for the agriculture is shrinking. With introduction of chemical in the agricultural practices for improved production the quality of land and produce on it has degraded over the year. Water resources are declining and almost everywhere in this water is the most recklessly used commodity yet it is the most essential one. The effect of such activities will be shown on the agriculture production and if practices are not checked sooner its effects will be visible in form of declining production and long draughts.
Chhattisgarh state is no exemption in terms of industrial development the scenario discussed above is applicable in Chhattisgarh also(CG Government, 2015). Hence it is urgent need that large scale sustainable agricultural practices should be introduced in Chhattisgarh. Sustainable agricultural practices states that growth cannot be brought at the cost of natural resources declination and growth should become independent of consumption of non-renewable energy resources (Wajszczuk, 2002).
Sustainable agricultural practices stand on seven important pillars with aim of minimizing the inputs to the agricultural activities from non-renewable resources to be minimized (Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development, 2015). Chhattisgarh state is leader in usage of non-renewable energy resources with commendable work in field of solar power.
In this research work the roadblocks associated with implementation of large scale sustainable agricultural practices will be analysed considering use of non-renewable energy resources. The analysis will help in determining the projection of required renewable form of energy for agricultural practices in Chhattisgarh state.
The research work aims to understand the trends and projection associated with the data variables under consideration. For the same slope analysis is used. The concept of slope analysis involves fitting a best fit line to the time series data. Once the best fit line is obtained, the same will be used to know the projected values of the data under consideration. The equation below presents the slope analysis mathematical equation.
Y = Data Variable under consideration
X = Time Series
m= slope of the line, c= y axis intercept
Thermal Power and its Demand
Table 1 Electricity consumption in agriculture sector in thousand KWH for Chhattisgarh State
Year |
Electricity consumption in Agriculture Sector in Thousand KWH |
2005-2006 |
1406090 |
2006-2007 |
1408110 |
2007-2008 |
1458800 |
2008-2009 |
2049956.93 |
2009-2010 |
1751570 |
2010-2011 |
1676572 |
2011-2012 |
2178570 |
2012-2013 |
2517351 |
2013-2014 |
2504260 |
2014-2015 |
3133210 |
Source: (CG DES, 2015)
From the table 1 shown above it is evident that the electricity consumption in agriculture sector in thousand KWH for Chhattisgarh State for year 2005-2006 was 1406090, for 2006-2007 was 1408110, for 2007-2008 it was 1458800, for 2008-2009 it was 2049956, for 2009-2010 it was 1751570, for 2010-2011 it was 1676572, for 2011-2012 it was 2178570, for 2012-2013 it was 2517351, for 2013-2014 it was 2504260, for 2014-2015 it was 3133210.
From the slope analysis, it is evident that the best fit line for the electricity consumption in agriculture sector in thousand KWH for Chhattisgarh State is Y=174671X+1000000. As stated earlier Y represents the variable under consideration which is electricity consumption in agriculture sector in Chhattisgarh State. The slope of the best fit line was obtained as 174671. This represents the gradient of the variable under consideration. The unit for the gradient obtained is Thousand KWH per year. The gradient is the representation of the change in the electricity consumption that is taking place in the Chhattisgarh State on the time-period under consideration. The slope can be positive, representing a growth in the variable. The slope can be negative, representing a decline/decay in the variable.The slope of the line for the variable under consideration is obtained as 174671 Thousand KWH/ Per Year. The gradient is positive in nature and hence indicates a growth. Thus, it can be deduced that electricity consumption in agriculture sector in Chhattisgarh state is growing with time. The data is for the thermal power consumption. The consumption trend noticed is growing that indicates that the dependency of agriculture practices is heavily on thermal power.
If the trend is projected for the next 5 years, the electricity demand for agriculture sector in the next 5th year will be 3620065 Thousand KWH/year. The projection obtained is again positive in nature. Analysis of trends and projection of the data under consideration shows that demand in agriculture sector is growing heavily. The first step of sustainable agriculture practice is to switch to renewable sources of energy for agriculture practices such as irrigation. Looking on to the trend of electricity consumption it is evident the dependency on thermal power electricity is growing, hence this is a major roadblock in introducing sustainable agriculture practices in Chhattisgarh state on a large scale.
Agricultural Pumps Energized by Thermal Power
Table 2Number of agricultural pumps energized by thermal power in Chhattisgarh State
Year |
Number of energized pumps |
2005-2006 |
141595 |
2006-2007 |
155804 |
2007-2008 |
192435 |
2008-2009 |
209913 |
2009-2010 |
240933 |
2010-2011 |
263002 |
2011-2012 |
285679 |
2012-2013 |
296379 |
2013-2014 |
324938 |
2014-2015 |
343729 |
Source: (CG DES, 2015)
From the table 2 shown above it is evident that the number of agricultural pumps energized by thermal power in Chhattisgarh State for year 2005-2006 was 141595, for 2006-2007 was 155804, for 2007-2008 it was 192435, for 2008-2009 it was 209913, for 2009-2010 it was 240933, for 2010-2011 it was 263002, for 2011-2012 it was 285679, for 2012-2013 it was 296379, for 2013-2014 it was 324938, for 2014-2015 it was 343729.
From the slope analysis, it is evident that the best fit line for the number of agricultural pumps energized by thermal power in Chhattisgarh State is Y=22862X+119700. As stated earlier Y represents the variable under consideration which is the number of agricultural pumps energized by thermal power in Chhattisgarh State. The slope of the best fit line was obtained as 22862. This represents the gradient of the variable under consideration. The unit for the gradient obtained is number of agricultural pumps energized by thermal power per year. The gradient is the representation of the change in the number of agricultural pumps energized by thermal power in Chhattisgarh State on the time-period under consideration. The slope can be positive, representing a growth in the variable. The slope can be negative, representing a decline/decay in the variable. The slope of the line for the variable under consideration is obtained as 22862agricultural pumps/ Per Year. The gradient is positive in nature and hence indicates a growth. Thus, it can be deduced that dependency on pumps energized by thermal power is growing in state of Chhattisgarh.
If the trend is projected for next five years from the last known data point, the number of agricultural pumps that will be energized by thermal power will reach to 462630. This depicts the heavy dependency on the non-renewable energy sources for agricultural activities. This can be again considered as a roadblock in introducing large scale sustainable agricultural practices in Chhattisgarh state.
Agricultural Pumps Energized by Solar Power
Table 3 Approximate number of solar agricultural pumps to be installed
Year |
Number of energized pumps |
2015-2016 |
4000 |
2016-2017 |
4000 |
2017-2018 |
4000 |
2018-20109 |
4000 |
Source:(CG Government, 2015)
From table 3 shown above it is evident that the Chhattisgarh state is planning to install 4000 solar pumps for agricultural practices per year from year 2015-16. The rate of implementation of solar pumps has been kept as 4000 solar pumps per year. On the contrary the demand for thermal power produced electricity energized agricultural pumps is growing with a rate of 22862 agricultural pumps per year. This slow pace of implementation of large scale solar pumps presents a roadblock in implementation of large scale sustainable agricultural practices in Chhattisgarh.
From the analysis and discussion presented above the following conclusion can be derived for the research work: -
1. In the state there still exists high dependency on the thermal powered electricity production
2. The state is power surplus in terms of electric energy generation. Hence its wide use and demand for agricultural practices is clearly visible in the analysis outcome.
3. As per the report published by giz, sustainable agriculture practices stand on multiple pillars, with use of renewable energy resources as the essential one. Use of non-renewable energy sources should not be entertained in sustainable agricultural practices. In this research, it was deduced that in state there is high dependency on thermally produced electricity. Similarly, the number of pumps energized by such energy sources are on the rise with time. On the other hand, the government is capable of installing 4000 solar powered pumps only. Hence to introduce sustainable agricultural practices in the state of Chhattisgarh the roadblock of high dependency on non-renewable should be cleared. The state has almost 270 days of complete clear sky and bright sunshine and hence solar is most viable option for renewable form of energy. Wind power is another form of renewable energy source but due to lack of constant breeze the option is less viable in the field.
Chhattisgarh state is leading consumer of solar photovoltaic cells. But cost of these cells are high and only limited subsidies can be provided in a given period of time hence implementation of renewable form of energy for sustainable agricultural practices is slow. The obstacle can be overcome only with reduced cost of SPV cells and local manufacturing of it.
CG DES. (2015). Statistical Abstract. Raipur: CGDES.
CG Government. (2015). 24 X 7 Power for All Chhattisgarh. Raipur: CG Govt.
Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development. (2015). What is Sustainable Agriculture? Berlin: GIZ.
Shalaby, M. Y., Zahrani, K. H., Baig, M. B., and Aldosari, F. (2011). Threats and challenges to sustainable agriculture and rural development in Egypt: Implications for agricultural extension. The Jorunal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 581-88.
Wajszczuk, K. (2002). The economic analysis of agricultural enterprises in sustainable development aspect. International Farm Management Congress (pp. 1-4). Wageningen: Farm Management Congress.
Received on 02.04.2017 Modified on 18.05.2017
Accepted on 20.06.2017 © A&V Publication all right reserved
Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences. 2017; 5(2):109-112.
DOI: 10.5958/2454-2679.2017.00010.X